The Hunter Gatherer Society

Foraged Oyster Mushrooms, Soup Recipe

Foraged oyster mushrooms are one of my favorite wild mushrooms. The frequently produce big beautiful flushes of soft sweet smelling wild mushrooms that quickly fill up a bag or foraging basket. These versatile wild edible mushrooms are a culinary delight for the very beginner foragers to even the seasoned mushroom hunter. Easy to prepare fresh they meld well into a variety of wild food dishes like stir fry, soups, or sit elegantly along side steak, pork, or any seafood. Add them to pasta with your favorite sauce and they are a stand alone delicious treat. For a hunter gatherer like me these are a staple for the pantry. Another feature of these wild edible mushrooms is that they are easily[…]

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Foraging Florida, Sea Purslane

When foraging Florida or any other coastal community in the southern regions there are many wondrous plans and animals to harvest. From sand crabs, clams, fish, to sea grapes, and sea purslane the abundance for Florida foraging never ceases to amaze me. Sea purslane is a perennial herb commonly found along coastal dunes in the southeastern United States, as well as Hawaii, the Caribbean, and many other coastal regions of the world. Sea Purslane is a an important sand stabilizer in the pioneer zone of beach dunes and can tolerate occasional flooding by sea water. With deep pink stems and leaves ranging from pink to green, Sea Purslane can be found growing along beach dunes and brackish coastal areas in[…]

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Learning to Breath

It is nearly sunset on my little southwest Florida island. The boat traffic of peak season has died down to only an occasional craft heading back after a day of vacationing. The sun sets low in the horizon behind me and the horizon in front of my hammock is beginning to glow a pinkish orange. Across the channel from me on a sandbar that has not yet come out of the water from the outgoing tide sits two osprey. They just finished their evening bath and seem to be enjoying the sunset as well. A deep breath, exhale, relax, let the stress of the times be washed away by the waves lapping at my feet. I will sleep well in[…]

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Kombucha from scratch

I know, Kombucha is not hunted, fished, or foraged for but during the winter months and even during the summer in between excursions it is a nice pastime that provides some additional health benefits. It is wild fermented which I enjoy doing with both the Kombucha and homemade wines and ciders. Plus it was a great learning experience for me and my family as we started it from scratch and now have multiple containers producing good Kombucha regularly. These in addition to a couple that we have split off and given to friends. Kombucha is thought to have originated from China or Japan and is a fermented tea that has been consumed for thousands of years. Containing many of the[…]

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Winter Chaga Tea Immune System Boost!

The dark and damp days of winter have settled in for much of the country and the outdoor activity options are limited, However that means that it is time to enjoy the bounty of our summer harvest. A couple years ago on an Alaskan forage my wife and I brought home an abundance of both chaga and birch polypore mushrooms. After they were dried and stored in mason jars making a sweet healthy tea from them was easy and provides a nice alternative to soda or store bought tea while strengthening your immune system against the winter crud. Something even more important during these trying times. ​Here is my very simple recipe for winter chaga tea. 1 gallon water2-3 cups[…]

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