The Hunter Gatherer Society

Winter Chaga Tea Immune System Boost!

The dark and damp days of winter have settled in for much of the country and the outdoor activity options are limited, However that means that it is time to enjoy the bounty of our summer harvest. A couple years ago on an Alaskan forage my wife and I brought home an abundance of both chaga and birch polypore mushrooms. After they were dried and stored in mason jars making a sweet healthy tea from them was easy and provides a nice alternative to soda or store bought tea while strengthening your immune system against the winter crud. Something even more important during these trying times. ​Here is my very simple recipe for winter chaga tea. 1 gallon water2-3 cups[…]

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A Modern Hunter Gatherer

A hunter-gatherer is a person living in society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging which means collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals. There are few true hunter gatherer societies left as agricultural societies took over and now dominate. Spread through our society there are many very specific groups including fishermen, hunters, and foragers. Often times these groups are very focused on that particular interest with little to no discussion on the other elements. Some are even overshadowed by the extreme views of one group for example the foraging groups can often be dominated by vegetarians or vegans where hunting groups can be overshadowed by trophy hunters that kill for sport and trophies with little or[…]

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