I have been hiking and foraging in a variety of states including California, Alaska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida, and others. Although the memories from these experiences are wonderful many of them are tainted with one underlining irritation, the garbage! Whether along the roadsides or in the woods I am frustrated with the lack of respect for our beautiful places. Places that offer us a momentary escape from the noise and rush of our daily lives. Why anyone would drive to a beautiful trail to go hiking and enjoy it’s natural beauty then throw garbage on the ground is beyond my comprehension.
On a recent twelve mile hiking trip along the Bird Rookery Swamp Trail in Naples Florida I noticed that someone had dumped a large pile of garbage on the grass of the picnic area. Before heading out on my hiking trip I took a moment to pick up all the garbage in that area. From now on I intend to keep a box of garbage bags in the truck for these occasions. Even more amazing was how many people just walked by it. Take a moment, take responsibility, and take more home than you brought in!
That is all we can do! The old saying that we can’t fix stupid proves to be true. What we can do is take personal responsibility and lead by example. So with that in mind I challenge you to stop for a moment and “Pick It Up”. Pick up a little, pick up a lot, invite friends and make an afternoon of it. Add it to your youth group or boy scouts agenda. It is as simple as just picking up one bottle or can each time we go out.
This is our world and our responsibility so while hiking let’s stop and “Pick It Up”!