The Hunter Gatherer Society
Identifying water purslane

Foraging and Using Water-Purslane: Identification, Culinary and Medicinal Uses

Foraging for wild edible plants brings endless joy: time outdoors, the thrill of discovery, and the satisfaction of finding new, edible species. But when foraging unfamiliar plants, caution is key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. On a recent urban stealth camping trip, I came across a plant that resembled purslane at first glance. Its stem looked familiar, but the leaves seemed off. Intrigued, I photographed the plant from all angles and submitted it to an online plant identification forum. After some back and forth, one user suggested it might be Lythrum portula, also known as water-purslane. Further research confirmed this identification. Lythrum portula, a flowering plant in the loosestrife family, is native to Europe and has spread to[…]

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