It is nearly sunset on my little southwest Florida island. The boat traffic of peak season has died down to only an occasional craft heading back after a day of vacationing. The sun sets low in the horizon behind me and the horizon in front of my hammock is beginning to glow a pinkish orange. Across the channel from me on a sandbar that has not yet come out of the water from the outgoing tide sits two osprey. They just finished their evening bath and seem to be enjoying the sunset as well. A deep breath, exhale, relax, let the stress of the times be washed away by the waves lapping at my feet.
I will sleep well in my little hammock by the sea tonight. No late night wake ups worrying about the upcoming work day or the variety of other stressors that bash against our foundations day in and day out. The day will be simple, watch the sunrise with a cup of coffee, try to catch fresh fish for the days meals, and forage for wild greens to go with it. After that it will be time to join my two new friends once again for another sunset by the sea. This is right, the way it was and should be. Living with the sounds and sights of nature. No television, radio, video games, internet, etc. Time to think, to look back, analyze the present, look forward.
It is a time that many people do not get. The daily rush of modern life sweeps by in a blur of plans for another day that tend to never happen. In the rare outing taken by some all efforts are put in to bring their modern life with them. Cook stoves, beds, radios, as many of the home comforts that can be accommodated. It is often said that the only thing wrong with a few days off is that you need a few days to recover from the vacation. This of course is due to the fact that bringing all of that gear increases the setup, tear down, and cleanup work dramatically. No down time, no silence, no tranquility.
People often ask me if I get bored, what do I do when I am by myself and the days work is done. It is simple, I breathe, slowly and deeply. It is a skill that many have forgotten how to do and some have never learned. To simply breathe, take in just the moment and all it has to offer. Let the deep stress that we build up and hold in flow out and wash away. One of the keys is to find your outlet, everyone has one. For some it may be playing music, for others, yoga, some enjoy running, hiking, biking, fishing, kayaking, or maybe just sitting alone beside a river or lake. Only you can say what yours is, there are no wrong answers just wrong fits. One persons release is not always that of another so you must find your own.
Once you have found it you mus prioritize it. Their will always be laundry and dishes to wash. The house will always need cleaning. Regardless of how much work you do your employer will always want more. Take the time, breathe, once again learn how to enjoy the simplest moment and all that it has to offer. Then carry that with you into your days and hold it as long as you can. Hopefully until you once again take a moment to breathe.