The Hunter Gatherer Society
Foraging for beginners

Beginning to forage for wild Edible mushrooms and plants

You must love the outdoors, or at least want to love the outdoors to be a forager. It is sometimes referred to as quiet hunting. You can spend hours in the woods walking miles and come home empty handed. Or, sometimes, you will be in the right place at the right time and stumble on to the motherload. However, if you expect the latter each time you will be frustrated, disappointed, and it will bring an end to your foraging journey. Foraging is about so much more than finding wild edible plants and mushrooms. It is about reconnecting with nature in a way that was always intended. There is simple soothing and even healing benefits to slowly searching through the[…]

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Identifying water purslane

Foraging and Using Water-Purslane: Identification, Culinary and Medicinal Uses

Foraging for wild edible plants brings endless joy: time outdoors, the thrill of discovery, and the satisfaction of finding new, edible species. But when foraging unfamiliar plants, caution is key to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. On a recent urban stealth camping trip, I came across a plant that resembled purslane at first glance. Its stem looked familiar, but the leaves seemed off. Intrigued, I photographed the plant from all angles and submitted it to an online plant identification forum. After some back and forth, one user suggested it might be Lythrum portula, also known as water-purslane. Further research confirmed this identification. Lythrum portula, a flowering plant in the loosestrife family, is native to Europe and has spread to[…]

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Foraging Florida, Sea Purslane

When foraging Florida or any other coastal community in the southern regions there are many wondrous plans and animals to harvest. From sand crabs, clams, fish, to sea grapes, and sea purslane the abundance for Florida foraging never ceases to amaze me. Sea purslane is a perennial herb commonly found along coastal dunes in the southeastern United States, as well as Hawaii, the Caribbean, and many other coastal regions of the world. Sea Purslane is a an important sand stabilizer in the pioneer zone of beach dunes and can tolerate occasional flooding by sea water. With deep pink stems and leaves ranging from pink to green, Sea Purslane can be found growing along beach dunes and brackish coastal areas in[…]

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