The Hunter Gatherer Society

The Praiseworthy Puffball A Great Beginners Edible Mushroom

Long before my venture into the foraging world I was vaguely aware of the edibility of the common yard puffball. In general, my family was averse to the harvesting of wild mushrooms. However, the puffball did receive notable mention from my grandmother when I was a child. That was the first and for a long-time last mention of wild edible mushrooms outside of course of the very popular morel. As I began to explore the world of wild mushroom hunting the puffball, being common in my area, was a great fist run at the collection and preparation of edible mushrooms. It took very little research to understand the identification and edibility of these little white wonders and again in my[…]

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Foraged Oyster Mushrooms, Soup Recipe

Foraged oyster mushrooms are one of my favorite wild mushrooms. The frequently produce big beautiful flushes of soft sweet smelling wild mushrooms that quickly fill up a bag or foraging basket. These versatile wild edible mushrooms are a culinary delight for the very beginner foragers to even the seasoned mushroom hunter. Easy to prepare fresh they meld well into a variety of wild food dishes like stir fry, soups, or sit elegantly along side steak, pork, or any seafood. Add them to pasta with your favorite sauce and they are a stand alone delicious treat. For a hunter gatherer like me these are a staple for the pantry. Another feature of these wild edible mushrooms is that they are easily[…]

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Winter Chaga Tea Immune System Boost!

The dark and damp days of winter have settled in for much of the country and the outdoor activity options are limited, However that means that it is time to enjoy the bounty of our summer harvest. A couple years ago on an Alaskan forage my wife and I brought home an abundance of both chaga and birch polypore mushrooms. After they were dried and stored in mason jars making a sweet healthy tea from them was easy and provides a nice alternative to soda or store bought tea while strengthening your immune system against the winter crud. Something even more important during these trying times. ​Here is my very simple recipe for winter chaga tea. 1 gallon water2-3 cups[…]

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