The Hunter Gatherer Society
A few foraging guide recomendations

Essential Resources for Foraging Edible Plants and Mushrooms

When I first ventured into foraging for edible plants and mushrooms, the vast variety available was overwhelming. It’s easy to get lost in the sea of possibilities, but the best way to start is by selecting a few species you feel comfortable identifying. Focus on those, and as you explore, be sure to photograph other plants and fungi you discover along the way. Later, you can use online resources and field guides to identify them. Just as you select specific foraging targets, start with one or two solid field guides for identification. As you gain experience, you’ll naturally expand your library of resources. My Go-To Field Guides for Foraging I often receive questions about which books and field guides I[…]

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Discover the joys of Foraging for Birch Polypore

Foraging and Using Birch Polypore (Fomitopsis betulina): A Comprehensive Guide

As an enthusiastic forager, I love exploring the forest and discovering edible fungi that can elevate my culinary creations. One of my favorite mushrooms to forage is the birch polypore (Fomitopsis betulina). This unique fungus not only has culinary uses but also boasts a variety of health benefits. In this guide, I’ll share my experiences with birch polypore, including how to identify, forage, and prepare it, along with some delicious recipes that will inspire your own foraging adventures. Why Forage Birch Polypore? Birch polypore is a fascinating mushroom that grows on birch trees, making it relatively easy to find in forested areas. This mushroom is not only edible but also packed with potential health benefits. It has been used in[…]

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